Causes of Back Pain in Seniors When Coughing

There are several potential causes for back pain in seniors when coughing. One of the most common causes is musculoskeletal strain. Aging can lead to a reduction in muscle strength and flexibility, making the back more susceptible to strain. Coughing can exacerbate this strain, leading to pain in the back.

Another cause of back pain in seniors when coughing is degenerative disc disease. This condition occurs when the discs separating the vertebrae in the spine deteriorate over time. Coughing can put additional pressure on these degenerated discs, resulting in pain.

Furthermore, osteoporosis can also contribute to back pain when coughing. Seniors with osteoporosis have weakened and brittle bones, making them more prone to fractures. Coughing can put stress on the spine, increasing the risk of vertebral fractures and subsequent back pain.

Management of Back Pain in Seniors When Coughing

Managing back pain in seniors when coughing requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes and provides symptom relief. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Strengthening Exercises

Engaging in exercises that target the back muscles can help improve strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of strain. These exercises may include gentle stretches, low-impact aerobic activities, and resistance training with light weights.

2. Posture and Body Mechanics

Ensuring proper posture and body mechanics while coughing or performing daily activities can alleviate strain on the back. It is essential to maintain a neutral spine position, engaging the core muscles, and avoiding slouching or bending forward excessively.

3. Pain Medications

In some cases, over-the-counter pain medications may provide temporary relief from back pain. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication regimen, as they can provide guidance on the appropriate dosage and potential side effects.

4. Back Braces

Back braces can provide support and stability to the spine, reducing the strain caused by coughing. Seniors should consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable type and size of back brace for their specific needs.

5. Managing Underlying Conditions

If back pain when coughing is caused by an underlying condition such as degenerative disc disease or osteoporosis, managing these conditions with the help of a healthcare professional is crucial. Treatment options may include medication, physical therapy, or surgical intervention, depending on the severity and individual circumstances.


Back pain in seniors when coughing can significantly impact daily life and overall well-being. By understanding the causes and implementing appropriate management strategies, seniors can find relief and improve their quality of life. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual needs.